never heard the lanes? check out two tracks from their upcoming album
atlantic ocean |
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From out of nowhere
so scared, so scared. They dont even have the same constellations there (astronomy is beginning to bother me). Catching myself dreaming. Sleeping with under paper stars. Sleeping with that shirt of yours
Atlantic Oceans too far. Holding each other in front of your bedroom mirror, putting on our smiles. We wont see this reflection for awhile, coming home for Christmas
coming home for kisses. Hold my breath, hold my frost-bitten hand, whispering into your sun-burned ear, the weeks felt more like years. |
king of the cool kids |
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His girlfriend was beautiful. She called me naïve. She said she knew the magazine quiz she did on me was right.
And we called him king of the cool kids. He always said the right things like, Ill bet theres a fortune Im ignoring.
To all of this I added, How could you two stand up to me? I mean, stand me up? And why are you still hanging on to him? I mean its not like we havent been
There are things I will never admit, like with me she could always get her way. And we called him king of the cool kids. |